The Nantucket Jacket -- very classy. I like its lines and shaping; however, I fear that the presence of so many cables may look too bulky on anyone who's not a size 4 (i.e., me).
A cardigan for Arwen -- more my style, but awfully short. I like the cable details, as opposed to the allover cables.
BTW, the pumpkin knit up very quickly. All I need to do is make a trip to Joann for some stuffing and knit up a little green stem to attach.
Since you mentioned that you are interested in knitting socks and wanted an easy pattern, I took a look around the net to see what I could find. Check out this one and see what you think.
I wouldn't overestimate the difficulty of those sweaters, particularly the last one. Yes there is a bit of colorwork, but most of it is just stockinette stitch. Just from the pic and not reading the pattern I would say it would be a great first sweater.
I also like the cardigan for Arwen. Except I would sub the yarns. And Jawbreaker looks like it would be a quick knit. But I don't like the sock patterns in this issue though.
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