I think my secret pal's gone overboard! Look at what arrived in today's mail. I popped the Etta James CD into the stereo right away (fabulous!), and I can't wait to read the EZ book and start knitting some sweaters. Thank you, my thoughtful and generous secret pal.

The city of Chicago has put together the
Winter Delights Stitching Salon at the downtown Cultural Center. I went to the grand opening event on Friday afternoon, and it was jam packed. The lovely ladies from Lorna's Laces (how's that for alliteration?) held a hands-on dyeing demonstration, and here's the fruit of my labor. A little bright for my taste, but it was fun nonetheless.

Why, oh why do I always bind off too loosely? I always take the pattern directions to heart, and I end up with a goofy, wavy-looking bind-off. I've already ripped this back; I'm leaving enough yarn that I can add fringe to camouflage the loose end if it happens again. If anyone has any good tips, feel free to chime in. This is an ongoing problem of mine. I know that blocking helps, but not quite enough.

Apparently tulips aren't just
my favorite flower; they are Capricha's as well. I caught her in the act today and promptly moved the flowers to an area less accessible to felines.
You mean there is some place that is not accessible to felines?????
And I liked the fruits of your labor :)
Glad you're enjoying the music. And I'm having fun finding stuff for you! So there!
Hee hee! More to come! And the big reveal!
Hey Mia,
I said "less accessible" to felines, not "not accessible" :-) You're right, such a place does not exist.
I need to buy that Zimmerman book myself; I have heard only rave reviews about it. My cat also tries to nuzzle or eat any indoor plants.
You'll love KWT--it's a fun read.
Great job dyeing the yarn!
I LOVE tulips! I'm jealous, I want flowers.
That cat pic is too cute!!!
I have been meaning to buy KWT. You will have to review it for us!
Love the cat photo.
See, I have the opposite problem. I always seem to bind off too tightly.
I often end up binding off with a larger needle than the one used for the work, to help keep the tension right. I suppose you could try binding off with a smaller needle; that might help give it the right tension.
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