The movers come tomorrow, and I'm paying the penalty now for spending the weekend with my new best friend:

Paul and I attended one of the nicest weddings ever this past weekend. It took place at the bride's family's home in the rolling hills west of Madison, in Wisconsin's beautiful Driftless Region. Horses, dogs, local craft-brewed beers, Wisconsin cheese, plenty of sunshine and flowers... heavenly. Paul had a tough time coaxing me back into the Jeep to return to Chicago!
----------------------------------------------------things I wish I were knitting:
- this
sock pattern from Churchmouse Yarns & Teas. Don't they look cute with Danskos?
- a wee squirrel from this
free pattern at Brooklyn General Store (see the May 1 entry for the PDF link)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend you had - I would love to spend the weekend with a horse also. My husband and I have taken motorcyles rides through those rolling hills around Madison and it truly is beautiful.
I was sold on those turkish bed socks, and ordered the pattern. How fun, and what a great and simple gift for Christmas they will make. Thanks for the link.
Happy Moving!
Sounds like a delightful weekend!!
Good luck with the moving...
Does this mean you're almost moved?! Thanks so much for the Google Reader tip - it works.
What a great wedding indeed!!Beautiful! And thank you for the tip on the socks - I love, love my danskos, so I may need to make me some little sockies!:)
Good luck with the move.
And THANK YOU for linking to that adorable sock pattern. They're so perfect (and will look SOOOOO cute with my moss green suede Danskos)
Sounds lovely! I've been trying for years to talk Mr. FC into taking me to Wisconsin. His family used to spend summers there -- Sturgeon Bay I think -- sounds idyllic.
Love the socks too -- I almost always wear socks to bed -- granny that I am ;-).
Good luck on your move -- I hope everything goes/went smoothly and you are enjoying your new place!
Oh boy, I would've had a tough time coming back to the reality of boxes and moving too.
Best of luck with everything. Take some time out to enjoy the long weekend.
Good Luck!!
So you went back to the boxes.... I feel sure the horse was the better option. Less corners. ;)
Oh no! Good luck getting out of boxville. The wedding looks wonderful -- just the kind of thing one needs before tackling a move.
hi! i'm sarah, i'm co-captain of the super crafty swap...just wanted to let you know that i added links to everyone's blogs on the sidebar of my blog. thought we all might like to see what our fellow crafty swappers are up to.
and thanks for the link to that squirrel! such a silly little thing, but i'm going to have to make it! :)
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