Old Man Winter sent us about a foot of snow on Tuesday. Paul worked from home, and we took made the most of it by going for a midday walk around our neighborhood and a quick jaunt to the Southport Grocery and Cafe for lunch (mmm... the grilled mushroom/spinach/brie sandwich is to die for).

All this wintry weather has been perfect for curling up under my giant granny square afghan with a good book (currently
The Children's Book, by A.S. Byatt). I'm still weaving in ends, but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying it. I would have liked to make it a little larger, but I ran out of yarn. Man, this project truly was a yarn-eater.
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky, various colors, countless skeins
Hook: Clover Soft Touch "J"
Size: 44" x 44" (unblocked)

I'd love to start another big crochet project, but my stash just isn't up for it. I prefer machine-washable yarn, as the prospect of hand washing a giant blanket fills me with dread. I just don't have that much yarn in the same weight, in coordinating colors, in the proper amount. Time to visit the knitting shop?!? :-)

Last weekend's trip to Madison with our friends for the Camp Randall Winter Classic outdoor hockey game was fabulous. One of the best weekends ever, plus the Badgers beat the Wolverines!
keeping warm at the gameIn less than 36 hours we managed to visit:
- State St. Brats
- Capital Brewery
- Great Dane Pub/Microwbrewery
- Genna's Lounge
- Sunroom Cafe
- Lakeside Fibers/Coffee Room (great view of Lake Monona)
- New Glarus Brewery, which has a beautiful new building
Your afghan is gorgeous! I wish I had the patience for such a huge project.
I love the Southport Grocery/ Cafe - I have only managed to get there once - but the bread pudding pancakes - omg.
Wow, you really packed a lot into that visit!
I've definitely heard that crochet munches up yarn like nothing else. :)
That sounds like a busy -- but wonderful -- weekend! Maybe next year, you can take the afghan? Extra warmth through crochet!
Your afghan is gorgeous! I hear that crocheting uses more yarn than knitting anyway but ITA about wanting machine washable yarn for a project the size of a blanket.
The shawlettes are gorgeous.
How's the Monastery Soups taste? I like to listen to Anonymous 4 or Alberto Turc & Nova Scjp;a Gregoriana (Gregorian chants) while I knit.
ha! i have been reading your blog for a while now and never picked up that you were in chicago! i live in lakeview. :) i think i am going to try out that delicious sounding sandwich you just talked about...mm it makes my mouth water to think about.
Wow, sounds like you've been having fun. Your afgan is so pretty. Love the colours.
I'm nearing the end of the Children's Book, and I've been stretching it out. I want it to keep going on...
Thanks for the tutorial link!! I have been dying to get in on the granny square fun;) Also: outdoor hockey is the best!
I admire your granny-square stamina. I don't think I could endure. It looks great!
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