and they're not kidding! I was a J Crew junkie for many years, and I still shop there pretty often. Alas, my figure is not as svelte as it once was, and their clothes seem to keep on getting skimpier and slightly wackier, so I haven't been as happy with them in recent years.
BUT I ordered a couple of their new perfect fit tees, and they are fabulous. I don't usually gush over clothes unless they're made of cashmere, but these are gushworthy. The cotton is silky smooth, the fit is great (body conscious but not slut-o-rama), and the price isn't bad.
What more can a girl ask for?
BUT I ordered a couple of their new perfect fit tees, and they are fabulous. I don't usually gush over clothes unless they're made of cashmere, but these are gushworthy. The cotton is silky smooth, the fit is great (body conscious but not slut-o-rama), and the price isn't bad.
What more can a girl ask for?

BTW, this is NOT me -- this is just an image of the shirt.
I made muffins with the new Trader Joe's green tea baking mix. They're not bad, but they're not great either. The flavor is more akin to green tea ice cream than an actual cup of green tea. The texture is similar to inexpensive banana-nut muffin mixes, minus the nuts. A little gummy or something, and I tried not to overmix them. Let me know what you think if you try them!