The past week has been a whirlwind. Holding extra office hours, grading midterms, dealing with my mother's health problems -- all of these things have been mixed in with movies, pints of Strongbow at the pub, lunch with a dear friend, and a trip to the ballet.
Needless to say, not too much crafting has taken place. I have been scoping out ideas for holiday ornaments to make, and I have been knitting away on my light blue scarf. I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my WEBS order (Hourglass, here I come) and the Winter 2006 issue of Interweave Knits.
The week in review:
Talladega Nights: The Life and Times of Ricky BobbyAwful and awesome at the same time, this movie is really something. I saw this at the Brew & View at the Vic Theatre, and it was the perfect setting for it. Will Ferrell certainly enjoys running around in his white briefs! (cf.
Old School)
- Kirov Ballet's production of
Swan Lake
Beautiful costumes, beautiful dancing, but not too much feeling.
The Illusionist
The cinematography is interesting, especially the mixture of sharp focus and blurriness, and Edward Norton does an admirable job in his role. I found it awfully predictable, though. My main impression is that the crack squad behind this one skimmed "The World of Wonders" in Robertson Davies' Deptford Trilogy, then watched
The Usual Suspects a few times. They definitely underestimated the intelligence of their audience. I actually fell asleep in the theater for part of the second half.
- lunch at Panes Bread Cafe at Sheffield and Wellington here in Chicago. Delicious! 'Nuff said.
Tacos in Pasta Shells recipe from Sheri at
The Loopy EwePaul was craving meat after a couple weeks of beans and vegetarian delights, so we gave this recipe a try. They came out well, but a bit dry, and I would add a couple things next time.
- 1 can of refried black beans, probably the Whole Foods one with jalapenos and lime
- 1 extra bottle of taco sauce or 1 bottle of Trader Joe's red enchilada sauce
This is the cutest thing I have EVER seen.
I'm off to the Bulls vs. Bucks game tonight, then there's a mountain of quizzes to grade.