I spent last week pondering a job offer from a scholarly journal in my field. After much debate, I decided to take it. Pro = more $ for yarn; con = less time for knitting. It will be a good (and hopefully inspiring) experience, and it shouldn't cut into my studies too much since it's not full-time.
BTW, I installed Haloscan the other day and lost all my comments! What a bummer.
- The first Waterloose sock just needs to be kitchenered. I'm halfway done with the last sleeve on the baby sweater, too.

- Today is our fourth wedding anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long. Paul makes me very happy, and I feel so lucky to have him in my life. (Note the wedding photo above)
- Williams-Sonoma now features a stainless steel Kegerator in their catalog. Does that strike anyone else as odd?

- Cats are very strange beasts. Does this strike you as a comfortable way to sleep? Not me.

- Have you heard about Paperback Book Swap? What a great idea. I just signed up, sent out my first few books, and am waiting for a few to come my way. Mia, this might be the perfect solution to your book overload.
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