Saturday, September 29, 2012

home stretch

Shalder is almost done! I picked it up last week after letting it languish for over a year, so this feels like kind of a miracle.

Last year I bailed in the midst of the lace pattern on the yoke, which is admittedly kind of complex and requires undivided attention, at a point when the whole weight of this bottom-up sweater awkwardly fills up your entire lap. This is my first adult bottom-up sweater, and while I like not being stuck on sleeve island at the end, wrestling with attaching the sleeves and doing the yoke can be a challenge.

Now to graft the underarms, block, and add some buttons!
in the kitchen

- chicken and brie sandwich with roasted cherry tomatoes, a perennial favorite chez moi

- French apple cake, a new autumnal favorite
 Moxie, enjoying some fresh air on our sun porch


Tracy Altieri said...

I had a long stretch (from ending college to sending my own child off to college!) from when I set my knitting needles down to when I picked them back up again. Sweater construction changed significantly during that time. I do like knitting an entire sweater in one piece (which was never the way I had done it in my younger days), but you are indeed ending with a lapful before it's complete!

Sharon said...

I couldn't agree more. Knitting a sweater in the round is not a summer project. A lap full of sweater definitely is better slated for fall or winter.

Katie M. said...

I know what you mean about yoke wrestling. It's never any fun ... especially when there's some kind of patterned yoke to deal with. Hope the kitties helped!