news about animals dying of starvation in Chinese zoos is absolutely heartbreaking. I don't know what type of movement it takes to stop these things from happening, but sign me up. China's human rights record isn't exactly stellar either, to put it mildly...
Horrible!!!!! Surely this is a crime other nations can hold then accounted for - especially because rare species are involved. Ugh ugh ugh!
UGH. :(
I agree and wonder why they have zoos to start with if they can't take care of their people.
I read about these beautiful white tigers as well as the other creatures held captive in these conditions.
Part of me questions the wisdom of zoos, except in the case of aid and preservation.
Sad! I hate zoos (& circuses) and always feel sorry for the animals.
Bless you for caring,
It is a terrible thing, but unfortunately other countries' governments don't feel about animals the way that we do, endangered or not.
In addition to the tigers, China is exploiting cats and dogs in their fur trade: http://www.gan.ca/campaigns/fur+trade/cat+and+dog+fur.en.html
I would not buy anything lined with fur such as gloves, earmuffs, coats with trim, etc, because the fur is not labeled properly.
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