Tuesday, November 07, 2017

November musings

I've missed this space. Still knitting, reading, cooking, editing, and chasing after my beautiful small children who are truly coming into their own.

We celebrated their fall birthdays with homemade cakes and something to wear/do/read (2 and 4! no babies anymore, which is bittersweet).

We road-tripped across the Upper Midwest to visit family and have felt the hard march of time as our loved ones become more frail and fragile. Life is full and beautiful and sad all at the same time, and much of the news seems unbearable, with a new disaster each day. Almost inconceivable. But I'm working on a new crazy scarf, and we have each other and a warm house and food on the table and cozy handknit sweaters and cowls, and we just keep on keeping on as best we can.


Jeanette said...

What a nice surprise to see a post from you this morning. I understand what you are going through with family becoming frail, etc. My parents are now deceased. I always lived too far from them to see them frequently. Whenever I did visit them in their later years, I could see the decline that had taken place since the last visit. It was hard. Now, it's hard that they are gone. I'm fortunate that I had them for so many years; they both lived to be 87.

Beautiful photos of handsome little Erik and your knitting projects. I love the cowl. So many knitting projects. So little time.

Tracy Altieri said...

We must all hold tight to those we love. Especially during these turbulent times. Knitting and reading help me through as well.

Angela said...

Indeed it is bitter sweet when they start to grow and do things by themselves. My two kids are all grown and we are specting a grandchild soon. I really like the comment you made on Alicia's Paulson's blog! You have a knd soul! Sding you greetings from ND.

Caffeine Girl said...

I love the ages you are entering with your kids! They can do so much. And they can do so much together. Every outing is an adventure! From now until adolescence are some of the best years!

Jen Kershner said...

It's so important to focus on the small comforts and joys in times like these! Your scarf is going to be lovely!