Wednesday, March 22, 2017

texture and test-knitting

reading Texture and test-knitting a new hat pattern for Thread & Ladle

I'm not sure if I can post spoilers, but I'm using Brooklyn Tweed Shelter for the first time for testing Beatrice's new hat pattern. Lovely yarn, nice pattern.You can never have too many handknit hats.

a girl and her cat
Chouette is one of my most well-received handknits. Erik loved it last winter, Bridget even likes to wear it in the house. A quick knit, warm and eye-catching, lots of compliments.

I am reading Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders, too -- terrific! Too bad it's overdue at the library. Must. read. faster.

1 comment:

Julie said...

that hat is adorable, she looks thrilled to be wearing it! and that green for the test knit is so rich and lovely. I've heard amazing things about Lincoln in the Bardo- soon!