A pilgrimage for more yarn is in order for
my gargantuan crochet project (betcha didn't see that one coming!), so I'm keeping busy with wee little sweaters for now:
size: 6 months
yarn: Debbie Bliss Baby
Cashmerino #34007, 2 skeins
needles: Clover US 4 16"
DPNson ravelrynotes:Super easy and very cute pattern! The construction is just perfect. I predict that I'll make many more of these as shower gifts. I love knitting with Baby
Cashmerino, too, and it comes in such a beautiful color palette. The yarn was purchased at
Chix with Stix, a very friendly and well-stocked yarn shop in Forest Park. I don't get there nearly often enough, as I'm not a huge fan of driving on the Ike (AKA I-290). If you're from Chicago, you know what I mean...
When knitting the row after buttonholes, I knit the buttonhole YO through the back loop, which wasn't the best idea, as the resulting buttonholes are awfully small (and they're quite close together). Using a 16" circular needle also wasn't the wisest plan -- everything felt bunched up and tight.
another little sweater in progress:

Zimmermann's Tomten Jacket. I'm using "moss"-colored Knit Picks Swish
DK from ye
olde stash. Miles of mindless garter stitch ! I started one of these using some precious
handspun long ago, but ran out of yarn and abandoned the project.
I'm still agonizing over what color to paint our bedroom tomorrow. It's down to Frozen Pond, Clear Pond, and Ozone. Blueish-greenish-grey? or greenish-blueish-grey? It probably doesn't make a substantial difference... Paul's no help with decision-making, as he's color-blind and detests painting to boot. ;-)
Kylie has devoted much of her free time this spring to a new hobby:

Ripping tufts of fluff out of her cat bed with her teeth, then spitting them out vigorously! The polyester fluff carnage is absolutely amazing. She doesn't seem to mind wandering around covered in fluff either. That girl...
things I'd like to make:-
happy hangers, by Dottie Angel (look at
Alicia's! Everything she touches is just magical)
crocheted stash baskets, a free pattern on the Purl Bee blog
felted knitting basket tutorial via Martha Stewart (Paul has a beautiful Irish
aran cardigan that he won't wear b/c it's just too itchy. Also, it lends a bulky, Michelin Man-like look that isn't terribly attractive).
things I find intriguing:- this New Criterion
review of Wigs on the Green, a new-to-me Nancy Mitford book (but not new in general, of course -- 1935)
Laura Bush on Larry King Live, supporting gay marriage and the right to choice
The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls -- I highly recommend it, and it's a good book to think with when it comes to family, priorities, and self-responsibility