Apparently I'm not the only one who looks back fondly on those 1980s John Hughes movies... Judging from your comments, Andrew McCarthy had quite the following. Pretty in Pink's one of my favorites, too, but I always wanted Andy to end up with Duckie.
Pretty in Pink + Xs and Os = besotted
Pattern: Besotted, by Adrian BiziliaYarn: Malabrigo Merino Worsted, Amoroso, 2 skeinsNeedles: Clover US 8 bamboo straights Well, if I can't get Paul into a sweater vest, I can at least finish up my second go at
my owl vaby vest pattern. Just needs ribbed edging around the V-neck and arm holes.
------------------An amazing bounty arrived on my doorstep recently. The ever generous knitter, quilter, and photographer extraordinaire,
Mia, sent me all this gorgeous yarn:

Holy cow, I was blown away. This is enough yarn for not just one, but two sweaters for me! The ruby red yarn is Kimmett Croft (mmm... angora/merino), and the lovely lavender on the right is Manos. This is one of the best gifts I've ever received. :-) I'm thinking about using the Manos for a
Button Me Up raglan , and maybe an EZ percentage sweater with the luxurious Fairy Hare. Thanks again, Mia!
Speaking of how nice knitters are, Rachael over at
Cattywampus gave me this blue ribbon:

Aw, thanks! I'm passing the blue ribbon along to some of my favorite blogs:
Knit & Play with Fire-
Indigo Mouse-
The A.D.D. Knitter-
In StitchesIt's awfully difficult to pick just 4 -- so I picked 5! So many knit bloggers are just amazing.
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