Here she is at one of her favorite tasks: squeezing herself into spaces that are perfectly Kylie-sized.

Garnet Hill is selling this very cute handmade hats and mittens Advent calendar banner. Now I'm not much for Advent-themed decor, but I do like wintry hats and mittens. This would be very cute with, say, the initials of each family member/pet done in duplicate stitch. And it would be a great way to use up some scrap yarn. Or some of my many balls of pill-tastic Patons Classic Merino, which is great for knitting but craptastic when it comes to wearing.
I knit just one Korknisse last year; this time I'm aiming for many, many more. All using Patons Classic Merino, of course. :-)
The new Knitty surprises? FABULOUS!!!
Nothing makes me happier than a knitting project with a classical theme. Juno Regina, you will be mine. Oblique is quite nice, too.
A full knitting update will have to wait for later, as blogger ate my photos this morning. Bad blogger... no donut.